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Promise to Talk

Reducing stigma and encouraging Hispanic and Vietnamese moms to Promise to Talk about mental health with their families.

multicultural campaign, | community outreach | social Media | influencer marketing | web design | paid media | events​


Within Hispanic and Asian communities, research shows cultural barriers exist that discourage talking about feelings. To reduce these barriers, Westbound implemented trilingual tactics hyper-targeted to low-income, high-need regions in Orange County. The message: Your mental health is as important as your physical health. We ran a robust social media program—paid and organic—accompanied by a multi-faceted influencer activation to reach community members in numerous places. ​


The 2021 campaign delivered strong results that outpaced all objectives. In a countywide online poll, unaided awareness of our campaign increased 7% among Spanish-speakers and 9% among Vietnamese speakers. Additionally, 4% more people answered YES to the question, “Have you spoken with anyone about a mental health concern in the past year?”​


Power in Numbers

12.1 Million

Impressions in 2022


Community partner organizations


Promises to talk about mental health

Healthcare Gallery

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